RSP Systems

Corporate Address
175 City Island Ave.
Bronx NY 10464-1537 United States
Phone: +1 (718) 991-6999
Fax: +1 (718) 991-9301
RSP Systems is the regional Capstone Green Energy Distributor helping customers choose and implement the best on-site thermal and electrical solution for facilities in the greater New York area. RSP Systems knows that a reliable, secure power system is an essential component of their customer’s business plans and success and works closely with their customers to fully understand their specific requirements, allowing for delivery of the most cost-effective system available. Finding Capstone microturbines to be the best selection of equipment and support services in the industry, RSP Systems can combine the microturbines with absorption chillers and/or heat exchangers, boilers, and traditional backup reciprocating generators in our to meet each facility profile’s needs. These systems can be designed for grid parallel, stand-alone, or dual-mode with or without UPS devices for flicker-free continuous performance in a power outage. Whether the goal is to save money, ensure life-safety support, or both, RSP Systems is there to help decipher the complexity of the on-site energy equation.
Business Focus
- Energy Efficiency
- Renewable Energy
- Oil, Gas, and Other Resources
- Critical Power Supply